RingCon 2012 the fantasy convention
bonn hotel maritim, october 5th - 7th, 2012
thank you all for having made this convention so special
Mark Ferguson, MC and Gil-galad in "Lord of the Rings"
Lori Dungey, Mrs. Bracegirdle in "Lord Of The Rings", and Mini-Mark on RingCon 2011/12
Sean Astin, Samwise "Sam" Gamgee in "Lord of the Rings"
Billy Boyd, Peregrin "Pippin" Took in "Lord of the Rings"
Thomas Robins, Deagol in "Lord of the Rings"
Craig Parker, Haldir in "Lord of the Rings", Darken Rahl in " Legend of the Seeker", Gaius Claudius Glaber in "Spartacus"
Craig Horner, Richard Cypher in "Legend of the Seeker"
Jason Momoa, Khal Drogo in "Game of Thrones"
Iain Glen, Ser Jorah Mormont in "Game of Thrones"
Finn Jones, Loras Tyrell in "Game of Thrones"
Miltos Yerolemou, Syrio Forel in "Game of Thrones"
Joe Dempsie, Gendry in "Game of Thrones"
Natalia Tena, Osha in "Game of Thrones", Tonks in "Harry Potter"
Kristin Bauer, Pam De Beaufort in "True Blood"
Daniel Gillies, Elijah in "The Vampire Diaries"
Team Starkid